After School Clubs



Welcome to our After School Club webpage at Alma Park Primary School.

Please check which year group your child is in and click the appropriate permission slip for that year group and club. You may choose to fill in more than one permission slip for your child's year group. For example, if you child is in Year 1 your child may be interested in Year 1 Reading Club and Year 1 Board Games Club, so you would need to fill in permission slips for both of these clubs. 


Fill in the permission slips for one child at a time, they cannot be used for two children. If you have more than one child attending Alma Park, please fill in separate permission slips for them.

The permission slips will be live and active until Monday 10th February 2024


Spring 2 after school clubs will run from Monday 24th February until Thursday 3rd April for a total of 6 weeks. If your child gets a place in a club a slip will be sent home in the last week of school to let you know. Please collect your child at 4:10pm when clubs finish. If you are late for collection twice then we may have to offer your child's place to someone else. Please do not sign your child up for a club if you know you will not be able to commit to every session. You will need to apply for a place in a club each half term. 

We will send a slip home to let you know that your child has a place in a club. Club places are not given out on a first come first served basis. We have a closing date for signing up for clubs and after this we then look at how many clubs each child has done previously. This ensures that a child who has not done any clubs can have a place and children who have taken part in more clubs can wait for another chance to join a club next time. 


If you cannot access the online permission slip forms and require a paper copy please ask the school office or your child's teacher for one.


After School Club Permission Slip Forms


Year 1 & 2 Reading Club Click Here

Year 1 & 2 Lego Club Click Here 

Year 3 & 4 Board Games Club Click Here

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Gardening Club Click Here

Year 5 & 6 Film Club Click Here  




Keyboard Club

Keyboard Club is available for children in Years 3-6 . The club is held on Thursdays at 3.15 - 4.10. The club is organised by Hannah Donkin and delivered by Marie Posledi from Music Squad.

For more information please contact:

To email us:  Email: 

To speak to us call: 01270 335 059

To text us:  07379 325 251




Ukelele & Guitar Lessons

Ukelele and Guitar lessons are available for children in Years 3-6 for the entire school year. Year 2 children may join ukelele lessons at the beginning of Summer 2. The lessons are held on Thursday afternoons. The club is organised by Front Row Music and delivered by Will Hearne. 

For more information please contact:

To email us:

To speak to us call: 0161 327 1875

Front Row Music.JPG



Violin Lessons

Violin lessons are available for children from Year 4 onwards. The lessons are held on Friday mornings 8.30 - 9.30am. The lessons are organised by One Education Music and delivered by Maria Januszewska. 

Lessons are currently full

One Education Music.JPG



Steel Pan Lessons

Steel Pan lessons are available for children from Year 4 onwards. The lessons are held on Tuesday afternoons 3.30 - 4.30pm and Wednesday from 11.45 -1.15pm. The lessons are organised by One Education Music and delivered by Scott Sinkler. 

Lessons are currently full

One Education Music.JPG



Recorder Club

Recorder Club is available for children from Year 3 onwards. The club is held on Monday afternoons 3.15 - 4.10pm. The club is delivered by our music coordinator, Miss Osborne.   

This club is currently closed.



Young Voices Choir

Young Voices Choir is available for children from Year 3 onwards. The choir practices on Tuesday afternoons from September to February each school year. The choir is delivered by our music coordinator, Miss Osborne. Children must commit to a performance at the Manchester Arena.   


The choir will re-open in September 2024

Young Voices.JPG