Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Wareing

Ms Mrozek

Meet the Team

Adults who work here:

RM – Ms Mrozek and Mrs Waugh 
RW - Mrs Wareing and Mrs Rogerson

If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Reception staff or email


If you are new to Reception please click here to view the Introduction to Reception for Parent/Carers presentation.


Welcome to Reception!

During their time in Reception, children will build on their prior learning and experiences from Nursery. With many opportunities for children to play, express themselves creatively and build resilience in the face of challenges; we support our pupils to become independent and confident learners.


What's happening this half term and how you can help your child.


This half term:


Addition - Combining sets and saying how many we now have

Learn all the number bonds for each number within 5 and then up to 10

Making 10 in different ways 

More and less/fewer (including 1 more and 1 less)

Reciting numbers backwards from 15

Reciting numbers beyond 15 

Looking at different patterns in movement and shapes

3D shapes  


Talk for writing unit – The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Ladybird


Learning the sounds that go with the letters of the alphabet Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds  

Hearing all the sounds in a word and writing them in the correct order

Segmenting and blending the sounds in words e.g. c-a-t = cat 

Writing simple sentences e.g. The cat is big. 

Remembering and using our three sentence rules; capital letter, finger spaces and full stop


Topic- Fabulous Structures

Let's Build a House: a book about buildings and materials (Wonderwise) :  Manning, Mick, Granström, Brita: Books


Winter (Seasons of the Year) : Brundle,Harriet: Books

We will be learning all about structures. We will talk about different buildings in our local area that we have seen and amazing buildings that people have built in other places. We will look at different types of homes people live in too.

We will look at changes in the world around us as winter takes over. We will be investigating our school grounds and looking at how things have changed. We should see early morning frost and signs of snow and ice as well.

We will celebrate Pancake Day this half term and read the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. We will cook and eat pancakes together in class and see if we like them or not. We will talk about our favourite toppings and why we like them.

Topic books:

In class we care currently reading:

Marth Maps it out Leigh Hodgkinson

Martha Maps It Out (Readerful: Books for Sharing) : Hodgkinson, Leigh: Books


Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley

Mr Wolf's Pancakes: The hilarious classic illustrated children’s book,  perfect family fun for Pancake Day and Easter! : Fearnley, Jan: ...


Outdoor Games is part of our everyday continual provision -We work on strength, balance and coordination whilst outside. We also explore moving energetically in different ways, such as; running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

Dance - We are learning to move in different ways, develop coordination and negotiate space.

Both classes have dance in the hall on Friday. 

PE kits

Dance - black shorts or black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.

Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on Fridays.


Here are the skills we are encouraging each half term at school.

Please have a look at this half term here.



Reading books:

In class we are currently reading stories that encourage us to talk about our feelings and behaviour.

When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry (Scholastic Bookshelf): Bang, Molly, Bang, Molly: 0787721905332: Books  Ruby’s Worry: A Big Bright Feelings Book : Percival, Tom, Percival, Tom: Books



Please read with your child every day. Reading for pleasure books should be returned to school every Thursday and a new book will be issued on Friday. This book is for you to read to your child.

Each week a new e book gets added for your child to read at home. Please access this through the collins ebook website. Each child has their own password stuck in the purple brainbuilder book. If you have any difficulties please contact your child's teacher.                                                      



Our purple brainbuilder books should be returned to school every Tuesday and a new homework activity will be sent home on Wednesday.


Please email if you have any questions. Please only use this for non-urgent communication. Anything required for that day should be emailed to


Please have a look at our videos and information below:


Little Wandle - Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1 - Click Here 

Little Wandle - Tricky Words - Reception- Autumn Term - Click Here  

Little Wandle - How we blend to read words Video- Click Here

Little Wandle - How we teach tricky words - Click Here 





Reception: Celebrations and Enrichments items