Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Grant
Miss Spence
Meet the Team
5G - Mr Grant, Ms Jafar and Mrs Knight
5S - Miss Spence and Miss Watt
French and Music will be taught by Mme Lié and Miss Osborne
If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Year 5 staff or email
Welcome to Year 5! In Year 5, we look forward to taking on new challenges and celebrating our successes together, developing as independent, hardworking and passionate learners, ready to take on Year 6.
Here, you can find an overview of the Year 5 Curriculum. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.
This half term:
- Multiplication and division - multiplying and dividing 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
- Fractions - multiplying fractions by a single digit and finding fractions of amounts
Talk for Writing unit: Sequels to an Anglo Saxon story
- Use subordinate clauses to add detail
- Use descriptive language to describe characters and settings
- Use a variety of sentence openers
- Use literary features such as similes and alliteration
History: Anglo Saxons
We will focusing on the Anglo Saxons in Britain looking at their daily life, achievements and society
Science: Properties and changes of materials
We will be investigating the properties of different materials and investigating how these properties change
DT: Textiles
We will be exploring the skills of sewing to design and make a traditional Anglo Saxon hat.
Computing: We are Artists
We will be looking at how to create tessellating patterns using a variety of programs
Religious Education:
If God is everywhere, why got to a place of worship?
PHSE: Digital resilience.
We are going to focusing on the purpose and effect of different types of media and the importance of careers
We are improving our French language skills. We will be learning about adjectives that precede the noun and adverbs of place.
Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on the following days.
- Gymnastics - Wednesday
Kit: Black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.
Outdoor Games - 5G - Thursday
5S - Thursday
We are learning tag rugby.
Kit: Trainers, black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings, and a plain white t-shirt (a tracksuit top and joggers may be worn if cold)
Forest Schools:
We will be learning a new skill this half term. Look out for Parentmail to let you know when the next session will be.
In class we are currently reading Beowulf, by Michael Morpurgo and Boy in the Girls Bathroom by Louis Sarchar
Please read with your child every day and comment in their reading record when you do. Reading books should be in school everyday for independent reading and can be changed any day:
This half term's BrainBuilder can be found here
Year 5's spellings will be sent out every Friday to learn for a spelling test the following Friday.