Year 6 2024 - 2025

Ms Solley

Ms Holmes

Meet the Team

6H - Miss Holmes and Miss Borowy
6S - Miss Solley and Miss Ng

If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Year 6 staff or email




Welcome to Year 6! As we approach the end of KS2, we strive for high standards in learning, progress, and achievement, whilst ensuring the year is engaging and memorable for all. We aim to inspire curiosity, resilience, and a love of learning that will follow children as they embark on the next step of their academic journey into secondary school.

Here, you can find an overview of the Year 6 Curriculum. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.

Please find the information from the Meet the Teacher sessions here


What’s happening this half-term?

This half term:


Converting units

Secure place value of decimal numbers

Round decimal numbers

Fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents

Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages

Finding a percentage of an amount

Develop an understanding of ratio and apply this to practical scenarios such as scale drawing and scaling up/down recipes

Know the relationship between ratio and fractions


Writing units:

Macbeth – we will be writing performance poetry based on a scene from Macbeth and writing a modern retelling of a scene from Macbeth

Writing purpose – to entertain using a variety of sentence openers, describing characters and settings and using active and passive voice

 Macbeth – we will write formal letters of persuasion based on a character from the story 

Writing purpose – to persuade based on opinions around an issue using formal language

Macbeth - we will write formal arguemts 

Writing purpuse - to argue different points of view and give our opinion in a formal way

For an overview of Year 6's Curriculum click


Who are the forgotten soldiers of World War Two? We are revisiting the topic of World War Two with a focus on its impact on the wider world, knowing countries and people who were recognised for their efforts during this time and those who were not recognised and why, knowing the achievement of soldiers who were not recognised at the time and celebrating their contributions.

Click for the Knowledge Organiser.


Circulatory system. We will be learning the names of the main parts of the circulatory system and their functions, knowing the impact of lifestyle on the body.

Click for the Knowledge Organiser.

Design & Technology:

Celebrating Culture and Seasonality. We will be preparing and cooking food using a range of techniques and seasonal produce.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.


We are Publishers. We will be using Microsoft Publisher to create a class recipe book/magazine based on your working in DT.

Religious Education:

What can be done to reduce racism? Can you help? We will look at religious responses to racism, consider and explain some examples of racism and connect them to religious beliefs texts and values and discuss ways prejudice and racism can be reduced.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.

: Belonging to a community and media literacy and digital resilience. We are going to be valuing diversity and challenging discrimination and stereotypes, evaluating media sources and information shared online, discussing how to safely use the internet and what is appropriate to share and say online.

Growth (performance). We are looking at combining our musical skills to create a performance including recorders.

Improving French. Conjugated forms in the passé composé (perfect tense), conjugated forms of aller as part of le futur proche (near future tense), adverbs of place/sentence starters, adverbs of time, negative adverbs, asking questions


Games - We are learning all about Tag Rubgy

Gymnastics – We are learning to use controlled flight onto high apparatus and perform partner balances.

Both classes have Gymnastics in the hall on Tuesday and Outdoor games on Thursday. 

PE kits

Outdoor Games - trainers, black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt (track suit top and joggers if cold).

Dance and Gymnastics - black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.

Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on those days.


Reading books:

In class we care currently reading-

Pig Heart Boy



In both classes spellings will be sent out every Wednesday to learn for a spelling test the following week.

Homework will be sent out every Friday and will be marked in class the following Friday.

This half term's BrainBuilder can be found here

Please read with your child every day and comment in their reading record when you do. Reading books should be in school every day for independent reading.



Forest Schools:

We will have our next session on Friday 31st January . Please ensure your child comes in clothes that can get muddy, sensible outdoor shoes, warm clothes if cold and a water-proof coat. As we will be doing forest schools in the morning, they may also need to bring a change of clothes, including shoes, to wear in the afternoon in case we get very wet and muddy.