Parent Voice

We value the input of our parents and carers, and your voices are integral to our school's development.

To ensure we are meeting the needs of our school community, we consult parents/carers twice a year to gather your views on the school. We then carefully consider the feedback and use it to make improvements to our practices and policies. Thank you to all parents who took part in the Autumn Parent/Carers consultation. The full parent questionnaire results can be accessed below.

In last year's voice you said:

'We would like better communication from school.'

We did:

1) Introduced Meet the teacher sessions

2) Created a Parent Communication page on our school website explaining how we communicate with parents

For more information about our parental communications can be found here Alma Park Communications

In this year's voice you have said:

1) We receive a lot/too many parentmails

2) We are worried about the dessert option for school dinners

In Spring term, we will:

1) Be introducing a weekly bulletin with hyperlinks to key documents. You will still receive Parentmails relevant to your specific year group or phase, so please continue to keep an eye out for those.

2) Review the pudding offering in school to ensure that this is a healthy option.