Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Bowen
Ms Howell
Meet the Team:
Welcome to Year 2!
Adults who work here:
2H - Ms Howell, Ms Mohamed, Mrs Knight and Ms Osborne.
2B - Miss Bowen, Ms Turner, Ms Osborne Mrs Knight.
Welcome to our year group page. Here you can find out what is happening in our classrooms each half term.
You can use the information below to discuss with your child what they are learning.
For an overview of Year 2's Curriculum click here.
This half term, we are learning the following topics.
Maths: length and height and how to measure capacity, mass and temperature.
We are learning the 2x, 5x and 10x tables, including multiplication and division facts. We will continue with addition and subtraction.
Our Talk for Write text is a non-chronological report on a healthy lifestyle.
We will be writing our own non-chronological report. We will also write a poem and celebrate World book day.
We will be focusing on capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and our handwriting. In addition, we will be learning about suffixes, commas in a list in relation to non-fiction writing.
We are learning about the Continents and Oceans. See the knowledge organiser below.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.
We are learning about a healthy lifestyle for humans. See the knowledge organiser below.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.
We are learning about sculptures and sculpting. See the knowledge organiser below.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.
We are game developers.
Religious Education:
We are learning about special festivals and occasions.
Click for the Knowledge Organiser.
Children will learn about jobs, money and mental wellbeing.
Children will learn about pitch.
Gymnastics :
Monday in the hall. We will be learning different balances. roles, jumps and weight on hands movements.
Outdoor Games: Tennis
PE kits:
Outdoor Games on a Wednesday for - trainers, black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt (track suit top and joggers if it is cold). Please ensure hair is tied back.
Dance and Gymnastics - black shorts or tight fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt.
Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on those days.
Reading books:
In class we care currently reading- Matilda and Fantastic Mr Fox
Please read with your child every day and comment in their reading record when you do. Reading books should be in school everyday for independent reading and will be changed everyday when required.
Please use the Collins ebooks for Little Wandle books using your child's home logins. These books will be read in groups at school.
This half term's BrainBuilder can be found here.
On Thursday, 6th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day and International Women's Day. Children can dress up on the day as one of the following options: favourite book character, favourite female author, inspiring female or alternatively wear green, white or purple. This also links to the UNICEF articles: Article 28 - The right to an education and Article 31 - The right to rest, relax and play and take part in creative and cultural activities.
Spellings will be sent out every Thursday to learn for a spelling test the following Thursday.
TTRockstars – click here
Little Wandle Books can be accessed at home on the Collins Ebooks website with your own logins - click here
Multiplication Speed Grid
x2 x5 x10 Times Tables
Year 2 Common Exception Words (Year 2 children need to be able to read and spell these words)
Please email if you have any questions.