At Alma Park we try to communicate as clearly as possible to ensure that you have the information you need when you need it. Information such as term dates open and closing times etc. are available on the school website.
To request a free paper copy of the information on our website please contact the school office.
How will school communicate with me?
ParentMail - We use ParentMail as our communications tool. You can download the ParentMail app from your app store. Please check this regularly as we often update parents and carers on any whole school events.
Medical Tracker – This is our online first aid system. If your child has had a bump or scrape for example and is given first aid for a non-urgent incident, you will receive an automated email. If your child bumps their head or there is a more urgent concern, we will also phone you directly. If you see that you have had a missed call, we will leave a message. Please listen to the voicemail before phoning us back to ensure you get all the information. The person who you speak to on the phone when you call back may be unaware of the call you have received.
How can I communicate with school for General Enquiries?
In the first instance, the school office can be contacted for the following:
1) General queries including, lunches, parentpay, medicines and clubs are handled by all members of the office but should you wish to speak to an Urdu speaker, please ask for Mrs Khokar
2) Attendance – Mrs Burns is our Attendance and Punctuality Officer and supports families to attend school as much as possible and arrive on time. You can leave a message on our answer machine or email on if your child is going to be absent. Please remember to leave your child’s full name, class and a clear reason as to why they are not attending or will be late. We will often contact parents whose children are not in school. Please do not take offence, we are just keeping your children safe and our records up to date.
3) Medicines and medical updates – Please let the school office know if your child is taking a prescribed medication 4 or more times a day so that we can administer one dose in school or they have been given an inhaler, are using a crutch or have been admitted into hospital for any reason.
How will my child’s class teacher communicate with me?
Your child’s class teacher will send out ParentMail updates regarding trips and visitors
Each year group has a class page on the school website. These show all the learning for your children for the coming half term. They pages are updated by the end of the first week back after any holiday and also include photos of trips or events the children have taken part in. They will have information regarding homework, brainbuilder and also any online apps, spellings and PE days.
If your class teacher has any concerns or worries or needs to speak to you about an incident in school, they will either phone you or will approach you at pick up time. If you do not speak to the teacher, remember that this is a good thing because there are no concerns and your child is doing well.
You will be invited to come to Parents’ Evening twice a year and you will receive a written report in the final term of each year.
How can I communicate with my child’s class teacher?
Your child’s class teacher should always be your first contact if you have a concern regarding an incident that has happened in school, your child has been worried at home or you need to speak to the teacher for another reason. You can do this by one of the following:
1) Try to catch them at the end of the day. Although our teachers are very busy and have meetings after school as well as having to mark books, they will always try to make time to speak to you. They may not have time for an in-depth chat at the end of the day and you may need to make an appointment to speak to them at a more convenient time for you both. 2) You can email our teachers on year1, 2, 3 etc… Teachers will respond to emails within 5 working days. If you feel your query is urgent then try to speak to them at the end of the day or alternatively…
3) You can phone the school office and ask to make an appointment with the teacher. They may not be able to meet the same day but will do their very best to meet with you at a convenient time for you both.
What happens if I am not happy with what my child’s teacher has said?
If you are not happy with your communication with the class teacher, please contact one of our Assistant Headteachers by calling the school office.
If you child is in:
EYFS or Year 1 – Ms Clark – Nursery Teacher and AHT for EYFS & KS1
Year 2, 3 or 4 – Mr Mason – Year 4 Teacher and AHT for Year 2 and LKS2
Y5&6 – Ms Solley – Year 6 teacher and AHT for UKS2
What if my query is about Special Educational Needs or English as an Additional Language?
If you have a concern regarding your child’s progress or if they have already been identified as having additional needs you can email our SENDCo on:
Our SENDCo is very busy and will contact you back within 5 working days.
What if I have a safeguarding concern?
If you have a concern regarding the safety of a child or family at Alma Park, then please call the school office and ask for a member of the Safeguarding Team. Alternatively, you can visit our safeguarding webpage for urgent advice outside of school hours.
What if I have a cost-of-living concern?
We have a parent worker, Ms Young, who works closely with our families supporting with food packages, housing issues and issuing ‘New to You’ school uniform. You can contact the school office and she will get back in touch with you within 5 working days.
What if I still don’t have the answer I need?
Mr Williams, Headteacher, and Mrs Hughes, Deputy Headteacher, operate an open-door policy and will always make time to speak to parents and carers. They are available on the playground at the beginning and end of each school day. Alternatively, you can call the school office and ask to make an appointment. Someone will contact you within 5 working days to organise a time to meet. You will be asked whether you have followed the information above, please don’t be offended, we just want to ensure that you speak to the most appropriate person to solve your query.