Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr Mason
Mr Cole
Meet the Team
Mr Mason, Mr Cole, Mrs Kinnear, Mme Lie, Mr Hooper
If you have any questions, please speak to one of our Year 4 staff or email
Welcome to Year 4! In Year 4, children continue on their journey through KS2, learning and growing each and every day. As a class, we promote resilience, positive thinking and high aspirations, ensuring every child works hard to ensure they progress and achieve their full potential.
Here, you can find an overview of the Year 4 Curriculum. You can use this information to discuss with your child what they have learned and continue to support their learning at home.
What’s happening this half-term?
We will begin the half term looking at multiplication and division using formal written methods. After that, we will be learning about length and perimeter. Throughout the half term, we will be recapping our times tables up to 12.
In Year 4, the children sit a national multiplication test in June. To support your children, you can gain access to practice tests here.
- Fiction
A Warning Tale - we will look at how to use fronted adverbials and conjunctions to develop our sentences and how to use effective verbs and adjectives to improve our descriptions of settings and characters. - Non-fiction
Persuasive text - the children will create a leaflet persuading adults to visit a famous Manchester landmark.
History: Ancient Greece
We are learning about the fantastic Ancient Greeks. The children will learn about the City States, the Greek Gods and Ancient Greek culture and art.
Science: States of Matter
During our States of Matter unit we will be learning about the differences between solids, liquids and gases. The children will create experiments that show the changes in states.
Computing: We are Toy Designers
This half term we will be working on Crumble - an interactive piece of hardware and software that allows the children to code and build their own toy with flashing lights.
DT: Crumble
Our DT unit will run alongside the Computing. In Dt, the children will learn about inputs and outputs in an electrical system.
RE: Why do we pray?
We will be learning about the importance of prayer for Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus.
We will be learning about physical health and mental well-being. The class will discuss how we can have healthy, positive lifestyles that benefit ourselves and others.
- Learning to ask questions and give answers.
- Sentence building, further adjectives and vocabulary for a game.
- Masculine nouns and feminine nouns.
This half term Year 4 will have Gymnastics on a Wednesday. Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on those days.
Gymnastics (Wednesday)
Kit: Black shorts or tight-fitting black leggings and a plain white t-shirt. Please ensure hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn.
Swimming (Thursday)
Your child needs to bring in a separate bag, a towel, swimsuit or trunks and a swimming hat if your child has long hair. Please do not bring goggles or wear ear-rings on this day.
In class we are currently reading The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman
Please read with your child every day and comment in their reading record when you do. Reading books should be in school everyday for independent reading and can be changed everyday.
Spellings will be sent out every week on a Friday to learn for a spelling test the following Friday.
This half term's BrainBuilder can be found here
TTRockstars – click here