RHSE Feed back 2022

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation during the Spring and Summer term last academic year, of which 49 families responded. The responses from families were overwhelmingly supportive.

In response to the questions asked by parents in the survey, it is not possible to answer every question in detail. There were several that overlapped and so we have grouped these into themes.

  • Families were extremely positive about and supportive of the changes to the new curriculum. Please note that as in most primary schools, the RSHE curriculum will focus on Relationships and Health Education, not Sex Education. This is the only area of the curriculum that parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from, but we will always give Year 6 parents more detail of that lesson before it commences. Families reported it was clear from the consultation which lesson you could withdraw from but a few families required clarification.
  • Families were appreciative of being able to view the resources prior to the lessons being taught. We will continue to make these available on our website so that you can view the resources as your child moves into the next year group.
  • Families requested to be notified prior to the teaching of RSHE, which we will continue to do. Currently, we teach the vast majority of the lessons during Summer 2. Although some aspects of the relationships curriculum, including healthy friendships, are embedded through the wider PHSE curriculum or are cross curricular such as online safety in computing lessons for example. Representation of different families, cultures and gender identities are continuously represented throughout the whole school curriculum.
  • Families requested support in being able to talk to their child about topics, so we sent home multi-lingual parent/carer resources for use with children in the years where the NSPCC pants/privacy lesson was taught prior to teaching it. We have also made available links to support websites on the webpage. Over the year we will look at resourcing books that families can borrow to further support with relationship and health topics such as books on puberty, bereavement etc.
  • There was no request to teach about puberty and periods earlier than we currently teach, which is in line with the statutory Science teaching, although families who commented said they would be supportive if we decided to do this earlier. There are currently no plans to bring these lessons forward any earlier.
  • Feedback from families indicated the resources were clear and well presented. A few families requested information to be shared in different languages. We shared important information about the changes on our website in different languages during the consultation. All information can be translated on our school website, when using a desktop, by clicking the world icon and selecting the language you require. Some parental resources, such as the NSPCC support leaflet, were also in different languages.

Thank you for your support during this consultation.  Please contact me if you would like to discuss anything further.

Many thanks.

Ms Mrozek
(PSHE Lead)