PSHE (inc. RSE)

PSHE (inc RSE) Intent

Alma Park’s Relationships, Health & Sex Education (RHSE) curriculum begins in EYFS. Opportunity to explore strands of the curriculum in the areas of 'Communication and Language' and 'Personal, Social and Emotional Development', allows children to develop emotional health and wellbeing through building positive relationships and creating secure attachments whilst developing self-regulation. Through 'Physical Development' and 'Understanding the World' Children explore in their play both indoors and outdoors and developing physical well-being.

The revised EYFS framework 2021 are prerequisite skills for RHSE within the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum provides the skill and knowledge progression foundations that are then built on to provide a purposeful progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary. This ensures that the National Curriculum end points are met. RHSE is an integral part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education curriculum in Key Stages 1 & 2.

Our pupils are given a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community and also as members of a wider global community. Our intent is to enhance the children’s ability to effectively manage the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of life. Pupils build on their knowledge and skills in different areas of RHSE, such as Relationships, Health & Wellbeing, and Living in the Wider World. This ensures that all children can apply the learnt skills and knowledge across the entire curriculum.

The RHSE curriculum gives pupils life skills to enable them to develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy and to promote health and wellbeing. Alma Park follows the PHSE Association thematic overview and is resourced by the Manchester Healthy Schools curriculum. This provides opportunities to combine the different strands of the National Curriculum and ensures progression. By teaching RHSE in discrete lessons and with purposeful links to other curriculum areas, pupils prepare for puberty, giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. It teaches pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.

As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School RHSE is delivered in a safe and inspiring environment which nurtures children's talents, allowing them to thrive so that when they leave Alma Park they are responsible, active citizens. The curriculum is set within a moral framework and matched to the pupils' level of maturity and developmental needs. It creates a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships and provides a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place. Diversity is respected and celebrated which widens each child's sense of belonging in the community. Resources are adapted when necessary to ensure SEND and disadvantaged pupils can access all aspects of the same curriculum RHSE at Alma Park promotes and encourages sustainability in various ways including caring for the local and global environment.

At Alma Park we are always developing and adapting our curriculum, through use of pupil voice, to respond to the needs of the children in an ever-changing world. We work with the school/community nurses and charities to enhance the curriculum.

Link to Parent feedback is here
Link to iMatters resources is here