Physical Education

Please note that the PE Curriculum is currently being updated, so the information on this page may NOT be completly accurate


PE Intent

Alma Park’s Physical Education (PE) curriculum begins in EYFS. This foundation of PE focuses on promoting gross motor skills and fine motor skills. The aim of which being that by the end of reception, all children achieve the Early Learning Goals set in the EYFS Statutory Framework. This is imperative as it ensures all children leave the EYFS with the necessary skills and understanding needed to build a strong foundation. The skills are built on from Years 1-6 through a purposeful progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary. This ensures that the National Curriculum end points are met.

Our pupils are given a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community and also as members of a wider global community and as healthy, engaged and confident sports people. Pupils build on their knowledge and skills in different areas of PE such as dance, gymnastics and outdoor and indoor games. This ensures that all children can apply the learnt skills and knowledge across the entire curriculum.

The PE curriculum gives pupils life skills to enable them to embrace being physically active in a socially responsible and safe way. Alma Park follows the national curriculum for PE, complemented by external schemes such as 'I-Moves'. This provides opportunities to combine the different strands of the National Curriculum in a cross curricular way. By teaching PE in discrete lessons and with purposeful links to other curriculum areas where possible, pupils develop creativity, resilience, problem solving and critical thinking skills. Moreover, children develop a passion for the mental and physical benefits of being active. As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School PE is delivered in a safe and inspiring environment which nurtures children’s talents, allowing them to thrive so that when they leave Alma Park they are responsible, active citizens. PE at Alma Park promotes and encourages sustainability in various ways including: opportunities to learn sports in different environments, to appreciate the physical and mental benefits an environmentally friendly lifestyle can contribute to fitness levels. Diversity is embraced by giving opportunities to study a range of important people within the field of sport. PE resources are adapted when necessary to ensure SEND and disadvantaged pupils can access all aspects of the same curriculum.

At Alma Park we are always looking for opportunities to develop our PE curriculum and this involves seeking enrichment activities for our pupils using local community links.




Errwood Road, Levenshulme,
Manchester M19 2PF



Richard Williams | 0161 224 8789 |


Clare Turnbull |


0161 224 8789 |